Tuesday, May 29, 2007


4 days without kids, 3 days without work, and all I get accomplished, knitty wise, is 10 or so rows on my "block a month" class project. Granted, I have a deadline (need to have 68 rows done by next Tuesday), but still! All that glorious time and I spent so little knitting!

Instead, I took Cooper to the new dog park 3 times. This dog park has a lake. Sheer nirvana to a big black labby! The dog park has a few kinks to work out - people not picking up their poop, idiots deciding to picnic, on the ground, with their babies (seriously, people where are your brains), and kumquat-brains letting their small children frolic on the shore line unsupervised. There were a couple of cases of such stupidity that I am actually going to write my first letter to the editor ever. This is such a wonderful thing for our community, and I am thrilled about it, and I do realize that there will always be stupid people, but geez!

I also went to a Monet exhibit. Amazing. That is all I can say.

Oh, and I signed up for e-harmony. Got a hit right away and practically had a panic attack. Clearly my last foray into the world of dating (the 5 year disaster - "he who dumped me with an email") has left me a bit gunshy. I totally disagreed with the psychological profile - totally. It said I am very reserved. Anyone who knows me would say exactly the opposite - if anything I am too open too much too soon and I blah blah blah on entirely too much. I will keep you posted on how this goes.

In the meantime, my knitting has taken over my bedroom - I have yet to finish my spring cleaning _ have a basket full of circulars and stuff to be put away, yarn is stashed away everywhere, it has really gotten out of control. I still haven't even finished my bills and paperwork from post-tax season.

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